How can I get Superfast Broadband?
Use our availability checker to find which provider can bring Superfast Broadband to your home. Put your postcode into the address search and click on the relevant icon. Details of the key are listed below the map.
If you can only see a red circle – when you enter your post code – please zoom out and click on a different premises to see the relevant dot on the searched for premises.
Want to know more about Superfast Broadband? Read our FAQ’s page.
Key to the map
Your house is representated by a green dot
You should be able to order superfast broadband now.
Click on the green dot to find out more
Your house is under a green shaded area
You should be able to order superfast broadband, as a result of commercial delivery by telecom operators. However, we are aware that some premises in the commercially delivered areas do not get superfast broadband.
If your property falls under this category and is proposed for coverage, it will be marked as a blue dot (Phase 4 Quickline).
Your house is represented by a blue dot outside of the shaded areas
Your property is proposed for Phase 4 (Quickline).
Further information can be found on the Connected Yorkshire site or by clicking on the blue dot.